Friday, March 30, 2012

Tim's first four weeks...

Since my blogging dreams have taken a back seat to the many needs of my new boyfriend, I thought I would try to do a whopping recap of the last four weeks for us!

Here is me at the hospital the night before my unsuccessful induction...ready to pop!

The Tim man chilling at the hospital:

 Four days later we finally took Big Time Timmy Slim Jim home! He weighed 6lbs. 11oz!

We were so happy to have a ton of family at home to greet him! Here he is zonked out on his first night. This may be the first and last time he actually slept in his pack-n-play!

We definitely lost a lot of sleep those first few weeks!


I could have sworn I knew how to put on a diaper... after only four days in newborn diapers we had to upgrade Tim to size 1!! See why here:

We quickly discovered that Timmy Jimmy isn't really into napping. He just doesn't want to miss anything--his eyes are ALWAYS open!

Even after keeping me up all night, I still think he is cute and want to snap a photo!

Every once in a while I find this:

He really loves a good bath and never complains! Naked bathtime photo omitted for his sake, but will be used to invoke future embarrassment ;)

Here's us on a walk outside in the 80 degree March weather :) After a mere three weeks of pushing what I thought was "just a bad stroller," I was simultaneously relieved and completely ashamed to discover I had the front wheel brake on the whole time. Awesome. 

We had a few health scares the first week... baby torture below :(

But thankfully we have a beautiful healthy boy!

Some days go like this:

Other days go like this:

But we are seeing more and more of this:

We celebrated Tim Jim's Irish heritage:

And played lots of dress up with all the many clothes he has been spoiled with.. he looks thrilled, no?

Crazy Aunt Bridget came to our rescue when Dad had to go to Dallas for work:

And there has been LOTS of grandparent spoiling on both sides...

My mom says to take him outside every day to tire him out. I'll let you know when and if that works! He only appears to be asleep I swear! 

So that's our first four weeks in a nutshell! Here is one more on his four week birthday! 

So I'll see if I got any better at uploading videos and can hopefully get a couple of those up as well! 


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